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Carson Graham Library: Resource Booking

Carson Graham Library Learning Commons

Resource Booking Details for Teachers

Hi! It really helps your Library Team if you follow the protocols for borrowing shared library resources.

Booking Library Resources: 

For any bookings, we appreciate an email to the Library Team to ensure your request is received and recorded: Andrea Kagan (Library Assistant) and Kat Thomson (Teacher-Librarian)

Information to Include for any Bookings:

· Date needed and block 

· Teacher name 

· Class and grade 

· Any other info for how we can help - do you want us to pull books/co-teach/organize a digital resource guide? 


For more information about resources offered through the library, please refer to our "Introduction to the Carson Graham Library" document below.

iPad Booking and Usage Protocols 2021 - 2022

Teacher responsibilities:

Collect iPad cart (or bin) from library during tutorial for a.m. block & lunch for p.m. block

Return iPad cart at lunch for a.m. block and at 2:50 pm for p.m. block.  iPads should be returned in numerical order please.

iPad Distribution:

1. Students sanitize hands

2. Students print their name next to the number of the iPad they borrow on the sign out sheet.

3. Students should close any programs and log out of any applications before returning the iPad.



Green Screen Booking and Usage Protocols 2021 - 2022

Teacher responsibilities:

Collecting and Returning the Green Screen, Instruction Booklets, and Cardboard iPad stands

  1. Collect Green Screen (and support materials) from the Library during tutorial for a.m. block and lunch for p.m. block.
  2. Keep the Green Screen etc. in a safe location in your classroom for the duration of your project.
  3. Return the Green Screen (and support materials) when the project is completed.

Collecting and Returning iPads

  1. Collect the iPads from the Library during tutorial for a.m. block & lunch for p.m. block (there are 13 iPads with the Green Screen app: DoInk)
  2. Return the iPads each day at lunch for the a.m block and at 2:50 pm for the p.m block.

Student Responsibilities - iPad Distribution:

1. Students sanitize hands

2. Students print their name next to the number of the iPad they borrow on the sign out sheet.

3. Students should close any programs and log out of any applications before returning the iPad.

DVD External Drive Instructions

To access instructions for the new DVD External Drive, please click on link below:


Lego Booking and Usage Protocols 2021 - 2022

Teacher responsibilities:

Collect Lego cart and plates and/or portable Lego wall from the library during tutorial for a.m. block & lunch for p.m. block

  • Please Note: Lego is best used for one class period.  Projects cannot be preserved.  Students should document their creations and take them apart before the end of the class.

Student responsibilities

  1. Sanitize hands before using Lego.
  2. Once Lego creation has been completed and documented, disassemble Lego into individual pieces and place into the correct colour bin.