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Online Tools: Home

Learning at Home and Online

The Online Tools libguide provides links to online tools for a wide variety of learning styles and curricular goals. While there is an overwhelming array of online resources to support student learning, the hope is that the "Online Tools" guide can offer high quality choices that align with the SD44 guiding principle to provide continuity of educational opportunities for all students. Most of the curated options are FREE, or free for the duration of school closures during COVID19.

Please check back often as the District Education Continuity Libguide is constantly evolving.  If there are some online tools that you recommend and would like to see added, please don't hesitate to contact AskALibrarian via Office 365 email to let us know!

Padagogy Wheel & Apps

Developed by Allan Carrington, the Padagogy Wheel is designed to connect Bloom's Taxonomy with Apple iPad applications. The Padagogy Wheel is divided into five segments that relate directly to the cognitive domains of Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning: Create, Evaluate, Analyze, Apply, Understand & Remember.

Click on the image below for a clearer view of the myriad of apps available.


Learning at Home

Common Sense's Wide Open School offers the following suggestions for supporting students that are adjusting to learning at home:

Set a schedule. 

  • Having a mix of online and offline activities is important each day—as is time for breaks. Routines can be comforting for everyone. Communicate your own schedule to your family and if possible, trade times with another member of the household to check in on learning. 

Create a consistent workspace. 

  • It may be hard to find separate spaces for everyone in the home to work. If possible, set up a location for each person to work or store materials or projects.

Empathize about change. 

  • This is a new experience for your kids, as well as for you. Help them understand that it will take some time to adjust to new tools and ways of learning. 

Make time for breaks and fun. 

  • Many of us are anxious as we manage this new reality, so take any opportunity to relax and laugh together. Your kids are going to remember this unique time together more than they will remember their math lessons. Make sure relationships come first.

Managing online time. 

  • Support the transition to virtual learning and help students think critically about what they see online. Consider these special circumstances. Some of your rules about screen time may need to be adjusted. However, a consistent time for screens off at night will help maintain good sleep habits for a healthier immune system. 

