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Myths, Fairy Tales & Indigenous Legends: Home

World Book Online

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Audio Links to Folktales around the World

The Book of Stories for the Storyteller

This is a collection of 43 fairy tales (both old and new), folk lore, myths and real life stories by a variety of authors, brought together by writer Fanny E Coe. They are mostly short and are fun to listen - most teach valuable lessons about life.

Folklore & Mythology Electronic Texts

Definition of Mythology

"Mythology is the study of whatever religious or heroic legends are so foreign to a student's experience that he cannot believe them to be true. . . . Myth has two main functions.  The first is to answer the sort of awkward questions that children ask, such as:  'Who made the world?  How will it end?  Who was the first man?  Where do souls go after death?'. . . . The second function of myth is to justify an existing social system and account for traditional rites and customs."

Robert Graves, "Introduction," New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology (v)

Folklore Powerpoint

Watch the Myths, Legends, Fables and Folktales powerpoint.

Legends, Myths and Fables from Around the World

Featured Websites

Image result for Encyclopedia mythica image

An online encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legends that "contains over 7,000 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world." Provides keyword searching and jump links to articles organized by country, religion, and ethnicity.


God Checker