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Social Studies: Industrial Revolution


What was the Industrial Revolution?

From the International World History Project: Industrial Revolution


Children In Victorian England

From the BBC: information on children at work, in factories and in the coal mines


Child Labour

Industrial Revolution

Primary Source Documents

The Sadler Committee Report (1832)

Excerpts from the Original Electronic Text at the web site of the Victorian Web (Laura Del Col).

Introduction by Laura Del Col: In 1832 Michael Sadler secured a parliamentary investigation of conditions in the textile factories and he sat as chairman on the committee. The evidence printed here is taken from the large body published in the committee's report and is representative rather than exceptional. It will be observed that the questions are frequently leading; this reflects Sadler's knowledge of the sort of information that the committee were to hear and his purpose of bringing it out. This report stands out as one of three great reports on the life of the industrial class--the two others being that of the Ashley Commission on the mines and Chadwick's report on sanitary problems. The immediate effect of the investigation and the report was the passage of the Act of 1833 limiting hours of employment for women and children.


Featured Websites

Child Labour during the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution and the Changing Face of Britain - From the British Museum

Pictures from the Industrial Revolution - Scroll through the pages to find pictures of the inventions of Arkwright, Crompton, Hargreaves, and Kay


Scholarly Web Resources

Industrial Revolution - Primary Source documents from the Internet History Sourcebook compiled by Fordham University

Industrial Revolution - From Yale New Haven Teachers Institute