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OEA Science: Genetics Inquiry Project

World Book and Gale Research Databases

Go to the District Research Database page. Scroll down the right hand side of the box to locate World Book Student and Gale Research Databases.

World Book Advanced

Canadian Encyclopedia

British Columbia Encyclopedia

Instructions for Searching and Browsing in EBSCO

To search within the collection of a particular magazine, click on the title of the publication, then click on "Search Within This Publication," located above the title Publication Details.

To browse the titles of articles in a particular issue, click on the title link. This takes you to the EBSCO record for the magazine.  Click on the year you want to browse (right side of page). 

Reliable Research Links

Gene Therapy - Mayo Health Clinic

Stem cells:  What they are and what they do



History of GM Nation

This is the official website for the public debate over GMO foods, which took place in the UK in June, 2003.  Although dated, the website contains reliable background information, articles and opinions from all viewpoints.


Stem Cells

Center for Genetics and Society

The Center for Genetics and Society's website on stem cell research, cloning, and genetic engineering on animals. Includes policies on genetics at the federal and state levels in the US, as well as regulations in other countries.

Stem Cells - Mayo Health Clinic

Stem cells:  What they are and what they do

Science News Sites