The following resources, and those listed on the drop down link pages, have been recommended by our North Vancouver Indigenous Education Team.
The FNESC/FNSA English First Peoples 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide (2018) is designed provide support for the British Columbia’s English First Peoples 10-12 curriculum. It includes diverse units, lessons and activities to support the revised EFP 10-12 and ELA 10-12 curriculum using dynamic, rich written, oral, visual, and digital First Peoples literature/text, and reflects evolving educational practice.
First Nations Pedagogy: Storytelling
First Nations, Inuit, and Metis cultures have long passed on knowledge from generation to generation through oral traditions, including storytelling. Storytelling is a traditional method used to teach about cultural beliefs, values, customs, rituals, history, practices, relationships, and ways of life. First Nations storytelling is a foundation for holistic learning, relationship building, and experiential learning.