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Environmental Science: En Sc - Non Fiction

Boyd, David R. - The Optimistic Environmentalist

Fleischman, Paul - Eyes Wide Open: Going Behind the Environmental Headlines

Fraser, Lyndsay - 100 Nature Hot Spots in British Columbia

Gore, Al - Our Choice

Leahy, Stephen - Your Water Footprint

Thunberg, Greta - One Is Too Small to Make a Difference

Boyd, David R. - The Rights of Nature

Foer, Jonathan Safran - We are the weather : saving the planet begins at breakfast

Gore, Al - An Inconvenient Truth

Hawken,Paul - Drawdown : the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming

McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino - Arctic Thaw

Rao, Anuradha - One Earth

Wulf, Andrea - The Invention of Nature