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English First Peoples: Creation Stories

Inuit Stories of Creation

Canadian Encyclopedia

English First Peoples - Creation Stories

Australian Aboriginal

Tiddalik - One of Australia's Best Known Creation Stories - from Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Center

Understanding and Respecting Creation Stories - from the University of Melbourne Indigenous Knowledge Institute


Haida Legend of the Raven and the First Men - from the Museum of Anthropology

The Creation of Haida'Gwaii - from the Canadian Museum of History


The Kumulipo: The Hawaiian Creation Myth - pdf of book

Polynesian Creation Myths:  Ever Wondered how Hawai'i was Created? - from The Collector


Voices of Inuit - from Library and Archives Canada (scroll down for creation stories)

Maori - New Zealand

The Maori Creation Story

Maori Creation Traditions - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand 

The Earth on Turtle's Back

The Truth About Stories