To participate in Take Our Kid to Work Day you must complete and return this Consent Form to confirm your excused absence from school on Wednesday, November 3, 2021.
Ms. Ronsano's students (all Grade 9 students that are NOT in PLP):
Click to download the consent form, complete it, and return to the Seycove Main Office by Monday October 25, 2021.
Mr. Hughes's students (all PLP 9):
More information will be provided to you in Humanities class. If you have any questions, contact Mr. Hughes.
Take Our Kids to Work Day is a national program where Grade 9 students have the opportunity to job shadow an adult for the day. This program highlights the importance of education, skills development, and training while giving Grade 9 students the opportunity to experience the world of work and the variety of career opportunities available to them.
This year, Take Our Kids to Work Day is Wednesday, November 3rd. On that day, students, their parents, educators, schools and workplaces have two options to participate in this event:
Students can participate in Take Our Kids to Work Day hosted by their parent’s employer (either in-person or virtually)
Students can participate in virtual Take Our Kids to Work Day events hosted by The Learning Partnership with their parents from home
Grade 9 (non-PLP) You have two required activities: Take Our Kids to Work Pre-activity and Reflection Your completed work should be uploaded to a "Take Our Kids to Work Day" portfolio that you create in myBlueprint. |
PLP 9 Check Showbie for details on your Take Our Kids to Work Day activities. Your reflection will be posted to your Learning Portfolio. |
To learn more about Take Our Kids to Work virtual events, visit The Learning Partnership's website for full details.
If you wish to participate in the live breakout sessions, you MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE.
You can choose from presenters representing a range of professions and industries. Topics include:
Watch this space! On-demand replays of each session will appear on this website after November 3rd.