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District Library Guide: Exemplars

Maker Creations

If you are a part of the North Vancouver School District Learning Community and you have a Maker Creation that you would like us to feature in this space, please contact Michelle Davis, Teacher-Librarian at Carson Graham Secondary School:

English Exemplars

The Outsiders painting document

When I decided to paint for The Outsiders I thought of it as a nice fun piece I can take some time on and have some fun! When I was going to paint the moments that I was going to do was either Bob under the streetlight with his big rings or this scene with Johnny in the sunrise. I did Johnny in the sunrise because this is when the boys get a deeper connection. All the other boys are just proud greasers and don’t take time to gush over scenes like this on how pretty the sunrise is. And Johnny understands Ponyboy on a different level than even Soda. With the colors I decided to use strong yellows and oranges because with this scene its like Johnny seeing color for the first time so it would be so vibrant and colorful and the darkness at the end signifies the worries that the boys had at that very moment, like are we going to get the food we need for today. I also decided to put in mistiness in the trees, and the gold sparkles like a faint looming presence. Lastly, I gave a puff of smoke because I think it kind of signifies them as greasers and that is my favorite part of this painting. This paint project was really fun and I would like to do more painting during this odd time of confinement.

Thank you to Windsor English 8 Student, Marika for sharing her creative response to The Outsiders novel!

Maker Creations

Thank you to Carson grade 10 Visual Arts student, Grace, for this beautifully illustrated recipe.  Thank you M. Parker