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Writing: Persuasive Writing

Google Search/Website Evaluation

Evaluate your selection before using:

1. Authority?

  • An individual? An organization? An educational institution?
  • What education or experience makes them an expert?

2. Objectivity?

  • What is the purpose of the site?
  • Basic information? Persuasion? Selling something?
  • What is the motive? Beware of bias (especially from .orgs)

3. Currency?

  • When was the site created? Last updated?
  • Is this current enough for my research?
  • Do the links work?

4. Content Quality?

  • Where does the information come from?
  • Does the author credit sources or give references?
    • References are different than links to “additional information”!

The Research Process

Remember, when you are conducting research, the two most important questions to ask are:


Depending on your question and how much you know about your topic will determine which resource is the best one for you to use.

If you know 0-25% of your topic, choose a REFERENCE source.

If you know 25-50% of your topic, choose a BOOK.

If you know 50-75% of your topic, choose a DATABASE from the approved list on this page.

If you know 75-100% of your topic, choose a SEARCH ENGINE like GOOGLE on the INTERNET. Use the SEARCH terms and phrases from your DATABASE searches in your GOOGLE search. Use what you know about your topic already to weed out useless or wrong information. But first, check the approved Featured Websites located on each page.

Featured Websites

Need a Topic. 

Look for inspiration here

The New York Times has compiled 200 Prompts

for Argumentative Wriiting

Citing Sources