Need ideas on what to read next? Find suggestions by subject, or read reviews and summaries. WATCH VIDEO TUTORIAL
An encyclopedia about people, places and things in British Columbia.
Canadian Encyclopedia: updated information about Canada's events, culture, history & landscape.
Encyclopedia of Life: Extensive Information about the many life forms on Earth.
An atlas that shares the experiences, perspectives, and histories of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
Fact-checked encyclopedia with objective articles, biographies, videos, and images. 3 Reading Levels.
Information on a range of Canadian topics, people, places and events written from a Canadian perspective.
International viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.
National and global publications, experiments, projects, and reference content.
Authoritative periodicals, scholarly journals, newspapers, and reference content.
A database of encyclopedias and specialized reference e-books for multidisciplinary research.
Student research interface. WATCH VIDEO: Research Made Easy
A database that includes full-text articles and abstracts of articles in magazines, journals and newspapers
Up-to-date medical research and information on health-related topics
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