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Argyle Genius Hour: Home

Instead of Google!

"Google can bring you back 100 000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one."   Neil Gaiman

Or try these search engines instead:

Welcome to Science 8's Genius Hour!

Explore your passion!

Be creative!

Curiosity rules!

Genius is perseverance in disguise.

Essential Questions

To become an expert, your research will answer an Essential Question. An essential question asks that you move beyond just studying something to move into action, to make change, to form an opinion, or to make something.  An essential question cannot be answered by simple facts nor by a simple "yes" or "no" answer.

Is it Googleable?  Or Non-Googleable?

What is Genius Hour?


Going Beyond Google

Evaluating Websites

Look for:
2.Title of site
3.Title of article
4.Volume or edition number
6.Date of publication
7.Date of access


EBSCO Research Databases